This summer he has learned a LOT of language from Oobi. The characters speak in only basic sentences (Look! Oobi clean room. Now go outside.) so I think it is easier to pick up what they are saying. He has begun using scripted language from the show. When he wants me to quit folding laundry and play with him, he will take it out of my hand, look at me and say, "Game over". When he wants me to join in with him, he will say, "Oobi sing, you sing. You sing." No matter the activity, he uses that sentence.
I also have a theory about their static eyes and 'faces' being less complicated and more easy for him to understand, but who knows.
From the Noggin.com web site:
Oobi is an original series based on NOGGIN’s own Parents’ Choice Gold Award-winning short-form series. Oobi, a bare-hand puppet (with eyes and accessories) focuses on the stage in a young child’s life when everything in his or her world is new and incredible. Oobi is a show about wonder. It speaks to the stage in a young child's life when everything is new and incredible: building a block tower, making cookies. Oobi is a show about children's first awkward attempts at mastery and meaning. It's a show about the everyday revelations.
Learning Goals: With interactive games and story, Oobi, a curious and gentle four-year-old, discovers the world around him, along with his three-year-old sister Uma, his best friend Kako, and his grandfather, Grampu -- all bare-hand puppets. Through connected learning preschoolers build vocabulary, concepts and skills from mathematics, early literacy and logical thinking as they play.
Hi Ginger,
My little guy loves Oobi too! There is just something about it that makes him 'get it' when it comes to language. We just recently had to cancel our Noggin channel, because we could no longer afford it. I've searched for Oobi on DVD, but it doesn't appear to be out yet. I've been thinking of writing a note to the creators.
You should write to them.
Do you need some tapes? I might be able to figure out how to rip them off my Tivo and burn some DVDs.
i was totally bummed to find out that oobi is not on dvd at all. i wanted to get it for the boy i nanny for..as he LOVES oobi! he sings the theme song and does the motion with his hand (so it looks like oobi) and keiko is a comedian to him. not to mention "gandpoo silly" i wish i could find it for him on dvd. if you have any ideas or anything let me know.
Kevin... what is this "waiting" you speak of? We must introduce this into the Taylor household.
Off to Amazon.
Chandler loves Keiko. It is one of his happy words. He will just start laughing out of nowhere and then yell, "Keiko!"
If you really need copies, let me know and I will burn a few for you. I can't imagine Chandler having to live with out Oobi.
I am looking for Oobi dvds. My husband and I are stationed in Korea and have no american shows. My two year old is so upset. Noggin was his favorite station. If anyone is willing to send me copies, dvd or vhs, I will gladly pay for them. Just post back and I will give you my e-mail address. Thanks!!
Our daughter Edith loves Oobi. Often times she look up in the air and starts issuing commands followed by "ready!" "You [command]! You!
When she first started showing autistic features (that we didn't know were autism, because we thought she was having behavioral reactions to her anti-siezure medicines) we mistook alot of her hand gestures for her trying to emulate Oobi. We now know different. Sometimes they are, but often times they are not.
It's ashame Oobi is not available on DVD like Dora and Blues Clues are.
I too would love to see Oobi on DVD. Our daughter is autistic, and lost all of her speech at 20 months. She was so frustrated, and we had big issues with self-injury. After the episode aired where Uma breaks Oobi's car, she would often recite part of the episode instead of biting or hitting the glass window. Both of our Autistic children gained great beneits from Oobi, but due to expenses of Autism, we had to scale back the cable and do away with the internet. I hope Noggin will see the benefits of releasing to DVD.
Hi Ginger,
I also have a 7-year-old son with high-functioning autism. As he was a small very sick child his only escape from doctors and meds was watching oobi, blues clues and big blue house. I would love to figure out where I could get dvds of oobi because Christopher never gets to watch anymore being at school. My 3-yr.-old daughter also loves oobi when she wakes up in time. She takes breathing treatments atnight for asthma they make her extremely tired so she doesn't always get up in time.
Hi Ginger,
I also have a 7-year-old son with high-functioning autism. As he was a small very sick child his only escape from doctors and meds was watching oobi, blues clues and big blue house. I would love to figure out where I could get dvds of oobi because Christopher never gets to watch anymore being at school. My 3-yr.-old daughter also loves oobi when she wakes up in time. She takes breathing treatments atnight for asthma they make her extremely tired so she doesn't always get up in time. It is so hard to find shows that will keep their attention. Oobi does that for them and helps them to know that they are not so different.
My daughter Rhiannon is autistic and she is crazy about Oobi. She sticks Mr. Pototo Head eyes between her fingers to make her own Oobi. I have not been able to find it on dvd either =(
I a big time Oobi dad. I think I dig Oobi more than my two-year old son (grin). I burned some shows to DVD for a trip that we took during the Summer. We watch it over and over and over. We DVR'd the shows at 4:30am and then would watch when we woke up. I say that in past tense. Just yesterday we switched from Dish Network to CableTV, and we discovered that we no longer get the Noggin channel. I still have the one homemade DVD with about 7 shows, but would really like to purchase a complete DVD set. If you find out where I can purchase, please give me a holler ... "jack at pepperfly dot c o m". I'm glad I found your blog! BTW, how's Korea? Been there... love this time of year there with all the gorgeous fall colors! Enjoy and be safe! :-)
WOW! I wasn't paying attention to the date of the original blog post. I guess you're probably not in Korea any more. ;-) Anyway, hope you don't mind me bringing up an old topic from two years ago. Ciao for now! :-)
Hi. This is late but I came across your site because I was looking for Oobi on dvd and I still can't find it. I've been looking for Oobi on dvd for over 3 years now because my daughter who was diagnoised with mild autism at 2 just loves Oobi! We have a few taped on vhs but the tape is starting not to work anymore and she just loves the show so much so I've looked and looked for it. No luck yet though. I've written Nick Jr and Noggin to request it but so far I haven't heard a thing. Oobi is such a great show and I believe it should be on dvd just like all the others. From what I've seen children really respond to Oobi and he speaks clearly which helps children with autism learn to speak as well. But just thought I would leave a comment.
Amber Woodford
I'm tired of waiting for an official release of Oobi on DVD so I have decided to create my own DVD set for my 1 1/2 year old son to watch on our road trips. I'm willing to share when it's finished. I have MANY episodes recorded over the past few months. Feel free to contact me directly at rwafford1 at yahoo dot com.
For anyone still searching, I recently received an Oobi dvd, with 29 episodes, for a modest price, in the mail. It was made and sent by this person:
Try it out, it was well worth the effort, especially where there is no official dvd coming out.
I'm searching for the Oobi dvds, if anyone can help!
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