Note this description of the ethical atmosphere at GlaxoSmithKline (maker of the UK MMR vaccine and chief tormentor of Andrew Wakefield):
Actually, if you are a sadist who enjoys inflicting misery on others and you can get a management job GSK is a pretty good gig.
If you want to be tagged as management material, be sure to emphasize any illegal and / or unethical conduct at previous companies. That is a HUGE plus at GSK these days. Also, any examples of behaviour dehumanizing others is important - rapes, war crimes, etc.
Good luck.
#1 | |||
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Currently interviewing with your company for an Immunization Sales Specialist position; looking for CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on pros/cons of this position. Is there more career stability in this division vs. pharma? |
#2 | |||
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The best thing you can do right now is run like hell and never speak with GSK again. GSK is a hell hole sweatshop. The only reason people are still employed by GSK is to qualify for retirement / severance / VRIF. There is no other reason to be at GSK right now. |
#3 | |||
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Disagree with the above post. I am in the Vaccine Business Unit. We have had some difficult times as has almost every division and almost every company. All things considered its not a bad place to be. |
#4 | |||
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Thanks for your reply I've kind of gathered this from all of the other threads I've read. I've heard about rumors of GSK acquiring Novartis vaccine division in the very near future...any chance this new entity would be worth entertaining? |
#5 | |||
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If you have a thick skin and do not need to be praised for the work you do. If you have a strong stomach for humiliation If you can work hard everyday and still be thought incompetent by your boss. If you can lived day to day wondering if you will have a job next month If you dont mind feeling like an ax is ready to fall on your neck If it is ok with you to sell products that might be dangerous If riding with a micro-manager every 2-3 weeks is your idea of support If you can stand to be considered a cog in a wheel and not a person Then by all means---------------go to work for GSK |
#6 | |||
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Actually, if you are a sadist who enjoys inflicting misery on others and you can get a management job GSK is a pretty good gig. If you want to be tagged as management material, be sure to emphasize any illegal and / or unethical conduct at previous companies. That is a HUGE plus at GSK these days. Also, any examples of behaviour dehumanizing others is important - rapes, war crimes, etc. Good luck. |
#7 | |||
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Unfortunately, this position isn't what it used to be. Consider the state you're in, and how VFC Vaccines are supplied. If there's open access and choice for your accounts, you might have a good position. Also consider how many groups there are, as this division just moved to account managers in many areas that are covering large purchasing groups. If your position has a lot of large private business, it might be fun. All the small accounts are getting passed to telesales, so watch out. The biggest problem right now in this division is supply, and how it impacts the selling contracts. They aren't making allowances to customers for the shortages, and it's a problem. They've "pharma-ized" this division as of Jan 2009, so it's a lot about metrics and less about sales. Oh, and by the way, speaking of sales: you won't get paid on your one at GSK gets paid on territory sales anymore. Good luck. |
#8 | |||
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I am in the vaccines business unit. It is a little more stable than pharma however, we have had our share of challenges. Just went through a really big cut in sales force so hopefully no big ones comming up again soon. Most reps are full line now which means you have quite a few products to learn both pediatric and adult. Your life could be hell though if you are in a territory where you have lot's of big systems and your vaccines are not available on that groups formulary per say than you have no control also important to see if you have a lot of VFC. Just do your homework and find out why the position is open and what the challenges are in that market before signing on the dotted line |
#9 | |||
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those jobs are crap. you are done and wont make 70 grand history from, a former vaccine mgr at gsk............dont fall for it.............fool |
#10 | |||
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Lots of work, pressure and bullshit for little or no bonus. Negotiate the highest salary possible. Don't buy the bonus potential, it's a joke. Also be prepared to work lots of hours with little success. Your manager will feel a lot of pressure from above and it will all fall on the reps. |
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