July 13, 2008

AIA 2.0

The blog she is a'changing.  A little.

When I started writing four years ago, things were very different.  New developments or relevant media coverage was few and far between.  Now, even when I am spending hours a day reading, I can't keep up with all the developments.  Autism could have its own news channel.

So I am going to shift things a bit here, but wont change them dramatically.  I assume you have already noticed the new look.  I will be announcing my new sponsor soon, but I will only have one sponsor.  And I will start posting a round up of stories that you may be interested in with limited or no comments, but won't stop posting my usual commentary.

And as Age of Autism is becoming the "newspaper of record" for our community, I will consider my blog an adjunct to it.  My own personal editorial page if you will.

I hope the changes will be helpful to you.



MDMOM said...

Thanks Ginger for all your hard work. I wish I had been reading for the whole four years. It is a blessing that there is so much happening on the topic of autism. Thanks for fighting the good fight long before I was aware that there was anything to fight for.

Ginger Taylor said...

Thanks. It is nice to have so many others around now.

Nice redesign on your blog by the way. Really beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger-
Looking forward to getting to know your new blog....