So apparently the FDA decided in 2003 that the Human Papilloma Virus was not a threat to women's long term health, that most infections resolved on their own, and HPV did not put women at much risk for cervical cancer!
Yet they went ahead and approved Gardasil for the prevention of cervical cancer, via prevention of HPV!
And now... it turns out, that women who get the vaccine may have a much higher chance of developing precancerous lesions from the vaccine than they ever had from the HPV virus!
The health officials in this country have lost their minds! Merck is going to have to change their commercials from "One Less" to "One More"
Read Mike Adam's detailed expose, complete with FDA documents and all:

UPDATE: HT to Anne Dachel for pointing out the reports of Merck's marketing of Gardasil.
1 comment:
Today's news: FDA approves Gardasil "for boys". Since they have no cervix, they will be protected from "genital warts" and "penile cancer". Assuming Gardasil protected against anything at all, I have yet to meet with, or hear of, anyone having these ailments. "200 of 100 thousand people get genital warts". Will billions of dollars wasted on vaccinating 10-year-olds against "genital warts" bring us affordable, quality health care? Please spread the word on this hoax so more slumbers are disturbed. People must speak up against this travesty. Article at
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