I have not done a ton of writing about the individual bullying that goes on to families like ours. But this one deserves a spotlight. Ryan Searfoss is writing to mothers like me to tell them to kill themselves. Because we know that sending messages like these are potentially very harmful, can lead to the end of a life, and are completely out of the bounds of acceptable behavior in society.
This holds for every human in this debate. While certainly disability parents should never be treated this way, not even the most corrupt public official should be either.
And whomever this Ryan Serfoss guy is, and I don't have a clue, I hope those who know him, and whatever community he belogs to, will tell him to cut it out.
Since posting this I have found four more women who have similar messages from him, all sent over the span of a year and a half. This is a habitual offender apparently. Will post their screen shots if they give me permission.
Update 3/7/16
Mr. Searfoss apparently has become aware of this post, and sent me the following today:
He is still at it. This week from Yolanda Gilbert Gracia:
And he is still at it. From Cassi Osborn: 5/18/2017
Dear Doctors that are "horrified" that Donald Trump and others claim that vaccines are linked to autism,
You don't know the research. It shows that they are.
You have had liability protection for vaccine injury and death for 30 years, you cannot be held accountable for your false statements or ignorance about vaccine risks. If and when you kill or harm a child with a vaccine, their parents cannot sue you.
So when you are ready to give up your immunity, be taken to court, sit in the witness stand, be subject to discovery, be cross examined by my lawyers, under penalty of perjury, in front of a judge, jury and the media, THEN you can be “horrified” at anyone’s vaccine stance. But as you have exactly ZERO accountability for the veracity of your vaccine safety claims, keep your manufactured umbrage to yourselves.
You can either have liability protection OR you can have the public trust.
You don’t get both.
Ginger Taylor, MS
Mother of a vaccine injured child
So usually every year on my birthday in January I put out the tip jar and ask that if I have been of service to you in any way in the past year, that you consider lightening my financial burden with a few of those dollars that are so popular with so many people now a days.
But this year we took off running with our hair on fire Jan 1 when Pharma fired a starting pistol and sent everyone racing after our vaccine exemptions, and all other life kinda halted. Including the other paid work I usually do.
So now it is June and the coffers are dry and the bank is still insisting that we pay the mortgage and I checked to see if they would take facebook likes and twitter RTs instead of federal reserve notes, but apparently they are not quite that far into the digital economy yet. (They really need to step into the internet age.)
So, if my work this year has been of service to you in any way, please tip your advocate.
She is officially a Merck Millionaire, and it only cost her the health and neurologicial functioning of at least 2% of our population!!!
"Merck & Co. (NYSE:MRK) EVP Julie L. Gerberding sold 38,368 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, May 8th. The stock was sold at an average price of $60.99, for a total transaction of $2,340,064.32. Following the completion of the transaction, the executive vice president now directly owns 31,985 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,950,765.15. "
Any artists out there? I need a picture of Alice after being in Wonderland for about a decade. Fat, bitter, barely sane, cigar in one hand as she pours whisky into a tea cup with the other.
I just vented at one of my mom's oldest friends. Known her since I was in 7th grade. Love her... she is a good woman who has endured great hardship with admirable grace and faith in God.
Long story short..
Mom: "Susan just had a grandbaby, send vaccine info"
Me: "Sending basic Hep B birth series info."
Susan: "Polio is bad."
Me: "Susan, take this seriously, you are pissing me off."
Susan, "I don't know why you are offended. I know how hard you work on autism awareness."
And then I lost my shit. A decade of watching baby after baby after baby after baby fall... and not being able to stop it. Sometimes I think I will end up being a crazy woman who starts screaming on a street corner one day and never stops.
My email to Susan (not her real name) that could be sent to any grandparent in this country.
I am offended because because you don't seem to be taking this matter seriously. I don't know how else to explain it.
Vaccine safety in abysmal in this country, half of our kids are suffering from chronic illness, and no matter how much mainstream research and government information I give to people, few seem to get that their tiny babies are in danger of life long damage and illness because their families are blindly participating in the most corrupt program in medicine.
I am offended because I don't do any work for "autism awareness." I hate "autism awareness." "Autism Awareness" month is something that we survive, not appreciate. "Autism Awareness" is a propaganda campaign that hurts families that have a child with and autism diagnosis, and prevents them from getting proper medical care. You have heard of "pink washing" yes? Well "autism awareness" is blue washing. Today is May 1st and my fb feed is full of "Thank God that *&%$#& month is finally over," messages from "autism" moms. And the fact that you can be reading my mothers posts for years and think that I support "autism awareness" work makes me want to bang my head on the wall, and burst into tears. The fact that I can spend a decade of my life trying to communicate serious medical risk issues, only to see that smart people are hearing that I am trying to work on "autism awareness" while their children get sicker and sicker has turned me into someone that struggles with very deep anger on a daily basis.
So I will try one more time to make you understand what I am trying to communicate to you.
Susan... there really is no such thing as "autism." There are no kids with "autism," there are only children with an autism diagnosis. A diagnosis of autism is merely a description of behaviors that has no connection to anything in hard science. Forget "autism" exists, it is just an archaic term used by a Doctor at Johns Hopkins in 1943 to describe something he had never seen before. What is happening in the modern western world is that children are undergoing an extreme assault of manufactured chemicals from the moment of conception, that is such a radical departure from our entire evolutionary history going back to The Garden, that the entire generation of children is sick and neurologically damaged. Kids with an "autism" diagnosis are just a subset of those chemically/metabolically injured children who have some behaviors in common, but often have vastly different medical pictures and biological syndromes that are causing the behaviors.
My testimony to you is that modern medicine (and food) is destroying the health of our children, and then refusing to treat them.
More than HALF of all US children are chronically ill and developmentally delayed. There was nothing like this when I was a child. http://www.academicpedsjnl.net/…/S1876-2859(10)002…/abstract (and that does not include things like pediatric cancers and SIDS) The current threat to your grandchildren in the 21st century is NOT short term, treatable communicable disease. It is life long autoimmunity and brain damage. If they are following mainstream medical protocols, odds are that half of your grandchildren will end up with the disorders on this list. Please read the list carefully. Please keep in mind that 18% of children in this country now are developmentally delayed or disabled.
Vaccines are but one source of this chemical assault, but they are likely the largest part for most children.
I am "offended" because I see you blowing off the information I sent you, and because I know there is a fifty/fifty shot that I will get an email from my mother in three years that says, "Susan McLean's grandchild was just diagnosed with insert neuroimmune disorder here and their doctors have not been able to find anything to help them. Where can I send her?" And my day will be spent looking for alt med resources that you guys can access locally (or fly half way across the country for depending on where baby is), and pay tens (or hundreds like our family) of thousands of dollars for out of pocket, because you didn't take the time to just read the literature I sent and do a basic risk benefit analysis on that specific child.
So if you want me not to be "offended" then please just read what I have sent you. Take a weekend, read through the links completely, and if you think that they are of no use to your family and that I am some version of a crazy person after that, then that is totally fine with me. I have resigned myself to the fact that most of the people in my old life will go to their graves believing I am. But I am loosing my damn mind watching child after child being pushed off the chemical cliff as I scream at the top of my lungs from the bottom of the cavern for parents to stop following us on the path that has destroyed our children.
It is unethical to market pharmaceuticals to children.
Children cannot make informed consent decisions, so it is unethical to market pharmaceuticals to children.
But that is what the Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA is doing. And his target audience is three and a half year olds. While not so subtlety taunting those who are resistant to vaccinating.
The Surgeon General met with Elmo, a three and a half year old monster, to tell him that vaccines are safe. I guess he didn't feel that a three and a half year old would understand what it meant if he said that vaccines were legally classified as "unavoidably unsafe," so that makes it OK to lie to him?
Elmo apparently believes the unethical government propaganda targeted at the the three and a half year old monster, as he shows up to the doctors office to get a shot. Note that neither Elmo or his legal guardians are given the CDC Vaccine Information Sheet that the nurse is required by law to give him or his parents before a vaccine is administered. How will Elmo know that the adverse outcomes of some vaccines include seizures, coma, paralysis, brain damage and death? What about Elmo's right to free, prior and informed consent? Did they even ask his parents any questions to screen for potential vaccine reactions?
No need... "vaccines are safe," right?
One parent whose child has had some very severe adverse reactions was a bit concerned about this turn of events, so she decided to check in on Elmo and this is what she found:
Oh THAT'S why some people don't vaccinate! Thanks for the lesson Elmo!
And now here's a baby with a vaccine induced seizure disorder. She had 16 of them that day.
It is unethical to market pharmaceuticals to children.
You can remind the Surgeon General of that inconvenient fact at:
"Elmo has an excuse for believing that vaccines are "safe" and can "keep you healthy." He is only three years old. You on the other hand are a responsible grown up and an MD and THE top public health official and should know that vaccines are legally classified as "unavoidably unsafe" per the US Supreme Court, and can cause serious adverse out comes including seizures, coma, paralysis, brain damage and death in some people.
Remove this unethical video. It defines propaganda to children. Three year olds are not able to participate in informed consent in medical decision making and it is UNETHICAL to direct marketing messages to them.
Further, there is an upsetting irony to this particular piece of propaganda. Many vaccine injured teens and adults, with serious brain damage and developmental disabilities, love Elmo. It is a slap in the face to those families. Especially when it ends with taunt at vaccine resistant families, "why doesn't everyone get a vaccination?" as if there was no federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that has paid out $3 billion in damages to 4000 vaccine injury and death cases.
Vaccine injury families are suffering, few can get proper care for their children, and this rubs salt in the wounds."
Jeffrey Jaxen furthers the argument with a much less sarcastic piece:
"Hello, I’m Dr. Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General of the United States. I want to thank you for taking time to sign a “We the People” petition on the issue of mandatory vaccines.
I understand you are concerned about laws that require individuals to be vaccinated, including those which require children to have certain vaccines as a prerequisite to attending public schools, group activities and daycare. I know that many of you are parents who are concerned about your children’s health and safety.
When I started this job, I traveled around the country during the height of a measles outbreak and heard from parents who have deep-seated fears about the potential side-effects of vaccines. I know you want only the best for your children. I do, too. Others of you may have signed this petition because you object to the idea that government should be able to require anyone to get a vaccine. You may ask if government should be able to tell people what to inject in their bodies? That is a reasonable question to ask. I understand your fears and I appreciate your concerns. Safeguarding your rights and upholding the responsibilities of a government that is dedicated to serving its people is one of my greatest privileges and most important duties as your Surgeon General. That is why I want you to know that the evidence on the safety and benefit of vaccines is strong
and consistent: Vaccines are safe and effective ways to prevent disease and death. I join healthcare leaders and public health experts from around the world in supporting childhood vaccination programs.
Most of us grew up in a time when we didn’t have to live through terrible epidemics that killed millions of children and adults.
We can be grateful for that. It was because of vaccines that we have been spared the tragedy of past epidemics.
For example, before the development of the measles vaccine, many children contracted measles and died in the United States every year and even more were hospitalized. After the introduction of the vaccine, the number of infections and deaths dropped precipitously. Measles is a highly contagious disease. If you aren’t vaccinated and are exposed, you have a 90 percent chance of getting it.
We know that measles spreads when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. It spreads so easily that if one person has it, nine out of 10 people close to that person will also become infected unless they are vaccinated or otherwise immune.
In fact, you can get measles just by being in the same room as a person who has it – even several hours after that person has left.
As a doctor, I know that one of the most important things people can do to protect their children from diseases like measles is to get them vaccinated.
And not vaccinating your children doesn’t just affect your own kids. It affects other kids too.
Consider this: some people cannot get immunized for medical reasons – for example, due to an allergic reaction or compromised immune system. And a small percentage of people won’t develop immunity even though they receive a vaccine.
These children and adults who cannot receive or do not respond to vaccines rely on the rest of us to be vaccinated in order to protect them from exposure to life-threatening illnesses. It’s called “herd immunity” and it’s based on the concept that we are part of a social structure that requires us to take responsibility for one another.
That is why getting vaccinated is more than an issue of personal choice or religious preference. It is also a matter of public policy, where one person’s decision affects another person’s health.
Our individual liberties to live on our own terms cannot interfere with our social responsibility to protect others from harm.
We inhabit this planet with more than 7 billion people. And every day, we have to make accommodations – great and small – to live and work and learn and play in the communities we share.
Laws regarding vaccine requirements and exemption policies are determined by your state and local governments.
Right now, all states in the U.S. require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition of school attendance.
There are some employers – such as health care facilities and day care centers – that require vaccinations to protect their employees as well as their customers.
If you have specific questions about what vaccines to get and why, I encourage you to talk to your doctor.
In recent years, there has been some inaccurate information circulating about vaccines – mostly stemming from a British study linking vaccines to autism.
Please know that this study and its assertions have been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. It’s not true and the confusion it has generated has been both dangerous and counterproductive to public health.
So let me be absolutely clear: there is no link between the measles vaccine and autism. In closing, I want you to know that it is understandable to have concerns and questions about how to keep your children healthy and safe.
For those of you who are parents – as I hope to be someday – you may have questions about which vaccines are being administered at a specific doctor’s visit and how to recognize and manage any potential side effects.
I always encourage parents to raise these kinds of questions with their children’s health care providers who are trained and experienced in handling vaccines.
When it comes to keeping our nation strong, healthy and secure, we all have a role to play. Vaccinations are one of the great triumphs of science and public policy. Through vaccines, we eliminated the scourges of polio, smallpox and so many childhood diseases that once plagued our nation.
The best way to benefit from these advances in medicine is to get the necessary vaccines for you and your family.
If you have further questions about this topic, please visit www.vaccines.gov. Thank you again for participating in this “We the People” petition.
Our democracy works best when everyone participates in constructive public dialogue."
Californians! First... brilliant job yesterday and for the last
several months on educating your Senators on the insanity of SB 277!
Cried watching the hearings, and laughed/danced at the outcome. The
pressure needs to stay on, but I will be shocked at this point if the
bill is not dead this time next week. We should plan an online party
next wed night! (Sure I'm getting ahead of myself, but we need some
happy time after all this, don't we?)
But on to more somber
and less fun topics.
The fight on this bill in CA has woken up
and brought in so many new people to the war to defend our parental
and health choice rights, which is wonderful! WELCOME TO YOU ALL!
unfortunately it also risks allowing shills, trolls, spies, and the
just plain troublesome people into the fold as well, as has happened
many times before. (I now get AT LEAST one troll a day trying to
friend me on FB.)
As there have been some questions about a
couple of the new people taking leadership positions about which
there have been concerns, and as I am one of those people who vets
newcomers to make sure they are legit and safe, etc, I was asked by
some people in CA to look into WTF was going on. This is my WTF
report. It represents the findings and opinions of me, myself and I,
and is in no way associated with any group that I have worked for,
orgs that I am affiliated with, individuals that I know, people that
I may or may not be married to, or humans to which I have given
birth. Buck stopping here, etc, etc.
So one of the many FB
groups that has popped up to fight SB 277 is a group called Our Kids Our Choice (sister group is Our Kids,Our Choice Community). It was
started by a woman named Kristin Hundley and one of the admins there is
another woman named Elizabeth Hanson. They started the group in
February, and it has quickly grown to almost 7,000 people. They were
working with the larger coalition of groups, called the California Coalition for Health Choice (not formally affiliated with
HealthChoice.org of which I am in leadership), which includes many of
our more well known activists who have been working on these issues
for a decade or more.
Long story short, Ms. Hundley, and to a
lesser extent, Ms. Hanson, have exhibited behavior over the last few
month that have resulted in everyone in the CCHC, except for one
individual, refusing to work with them, and this week the questions
that were finally being asked were, “WTF? Who are these people,
and are they Pharma sent to be a bother to us?” Enter Ginger
Taylor to find out WTF.
Before launching into this, I want to
be clear that I HAVE ONLY LOOKED
They may be saints straight from heaven for all I know. I have not talked to them in person, but online chats with them give me the impression that they are sincere and may not even know about all the problems.
concerns included the reports that:
- No one could be found
that had actually met either of them in person.
They had never attended hearings or any events. - These two women
may be one person, after one was contacting people from her own fb
account but giving people the other's name in chats.
They were asking for 50k in funding that was going directly to
Kristin Hundley personally from a go fund me page with out anyone
confirming who she was or having a way to confirm how the money would
actually be spent. (They are not a non-profit or a PAC or any legal
entity, there is no way to track funding, no one had met them or knew
their addresses, there were not receipts offered to the group, all
things that make Kristin's fund raising suspect.) - That Kristin
was trying to turn this into a full time paid position for herself
riding off the reputation of the orgs in the CCHC.
They were collecting personal information from people (full name,
city, county, number of children in school, etc)
through an online survey with out the community knowing where that
information would go or would be used. Note there is no claim that
the personal information will be kept private and not shared outside
of OKOC.
They were head hunting from other groups trying to take regional
leaders from existing groups for their own efforts.
They were making demands of long time activists with standing when,
they had no track record and no one could confirm who they were in
the real world. Their only standing was that they had a fb group of
6,000+ people. - They had put up a web site that does not list
their names, any officers of the group, any address, any legal
filing/standing/affiliation, not even a phone number. The site has no identifying information on it. [Update: someone called to tell me that there is a phone number on the moble version of the site, but not on the web version of the site.] - They are using pictures of
the CA rally that they did not help organize, finance or attend to
promote their group with out the permission of the photographers or
the organizers of the rally. - They were just very difficult
people to work with and a good deal of time and energy was being
spent trying to manage their personalities and the conflicts that
they were stirring up rather than fighting Pan. - They may be
opposition plants here to divert money, time, resources, people, etc
away from the efforts.
Usually these kinds of concerns work
themselves out after a few months when people's work stands or falls
on its own, but the CA fight is too important to be that indulgent
here as we need every minute and every dollar to be used effectively.
Since this came up on Tuesday, the day before the Ed. Committee
hearings, ain't nobody got time for dat. As it is still not over...
still no time for dat.
So I put out the word that there may be
a problem with these women, and started asking lots of people if they
knew these women offline, and found that, in fact, no one had ever
laid eyes on either one of them. I was given a phone number for
Kristin and called her to figure out what was going on, and ended up
having two phone calls with both of them on the line for more than an
hour. A fourth party also was on the line for most of the
I can report that these are two women, both in
California, whose identities I have been able to confirm
independently. Elizabeth does have a financial conflict of interest,
as her husband works for a biotech company, but she reported it to me
the first time I asked them to disclose any potential conflicts of
experience with them over the last two days in trying to give them a
chance to be vetted so that they might back earn some of the trust
and benefit of the doubt that they were initially given, was that
they are very difficult, entitled women who do not have the requisite
maturity for leadership in our community.
response toward me was a pretty rude, “Who are you?” Despite the fact that they
were actually sharing stories I had written and Health Choice's video content. I initially tried with
some subtly to let them know that I am someone who has been around
for a while, that many people trust and and that I sometimes look
into problems in the community to make sure that people in leadership
are safe people, and if I find they arn't, I let people know so they
can make informed choices on who to be involved with. They didn't
really seem to hear me. After a few times of having to explain who I
was, they again asked something to the effect of, “how do we even
know.... “ and I actually had to flat out say to them, in a quite
annoyed tone, “I am powerful in this community. If I report on
you, people will believe what I say.” No one who has earned any
standing in any community should have to actually say those words out
loud to someone else who wants to be in leadership in that community.
It felt absolutely gross to say. It was one step away from, “Do
you know who I am?!” Ugh...
I sent them my bio, the book, the debate and a few of my other bona fides, but they didn't respond to them.
Long story short, I asked for
their home addresses (and gave them mine and promised that their
information would stay private) so that I could verify who they were.
They refused. I asked them for receipts of the money they had
spent, or the names of individuals I could contact that they had
contracted with that could confirm that they were being paid to work
on the issue (or even whose expenses were being paid). They refused.
I asked them to simply email me so I could have their email
addresses to do a search on them. They said they would email me.
That was two days ago and no emails. I sent them several fb messages
to tell them unless they gave me something to independently verify
their identities/view their online presence/know that they are not
pocketing the $1,600 that they have raised out of the $50,000 they
have asked for, I would be writing publicly about their lack of transparency and the unanswered questions and concerns about them. Their response was that they were contacting their
This is what their gofund me page reports that the
money is for:
costs include: -
lobbyists/political strategists’ fees -
legal fees -
website hosting, domain hosting, and web creation fees -
PO box and phone number fees -
stock photo licensing fees -
photocopying/binding fees -
bookkeeping/accounting fees -
video/photo editing fees“
It is reasonable for a group member to ask for
verification that the money is being used thusly. They refused to
offer any verification that it is or will be used thusly.
I see that you have been reading my messaes and have stopped responding. And I have not yet heard from Kristin on anything since our phone call last night. So this is the note I put out this morning privately to the individuals who have been asking me about you. If you decide to change your course and give me some infomation so that I can verify you are earnest players and not taking advantage of the situation to raise money for yourselves, please let me know.
"So just a heads up. I have been trying to follow up with the information on these women since I talked to them last night, and this crap just keeps getting weirder and more strange. People sending me screen caps of odd conversations, Elizabeth posing as Kristin, very odd. And I although they said they would email me so I could at least confirm who they were, they haven't.
Then when I found out that they were trying to raise 50k, with out even so much as an address for the group or for Kristin (who the money from the gofundme page is going straight to) I asked them for some sort of recipets or references from someone that they had contracted with to do work on the hearings, and they won't send me any information They also refused to give me their addresses, even though I gave them mine and assured them that their info would be kept private.
Group leadership is responsible to the group to account for finances raised by the group, and they are denying any information on the money quesions from a group member.
So I am going to give them until the end of the day to do something that can be independently verified and then if they don't, put out a public statement recommending that people be cautious with these two and only give donations to verified groups like the CCA or CCHC.
I don't think they are pharma trolls or spies, but perhaps opportunists and at the very least they lack the minimum maturity required for a leadership role in our community. My experience with them is that they come accross as very entitled and demanding, and don't seem to think that they are accountable for their actions, even to their own group members."
What exactly will you be publishing? I just want to be clear. It sounds like what you are saying is that of we do not comply with your demands, you will publish derogatory and incriminating information about us as individuals and our group as a whole. Do I have that correct?
I have just given you a run down of where I am on you right now. It will be something to that effect. You are free to keep private what ever information you want. And I am free to investigate you and to warn the community if I think that you are not on the up and up. I am an investgative writer. That is what I do.
I will be publishing in the next hourish, so please let me know now if you plan on sending any infromation to me that I can use to vet you guys or your claims.
Hi Ginger...I am still confused about what you are publishing. You can easily google us to find out who we are. Have you done any investigation that would lead you to believe that we are *not* as you say "on the up and up". You are demanding that we give you our personal information and stating that if we don't you will publish incriminating things about us. Please clarify if that is your position.
This is what I am publishing. Going up in about five minutes. I will send you the link once it is up:
And then I sent them the draft this article.
To sum up my read on them: - Care very much
about vaccine choice - Not pharma plants - Not mature people -
Not qualified for leadership - At best they may be niave on this
work and on how to treat fellow activists, but I will go so far as to
say that my experience of these women are that they are entitled
brats who don't seem to think that they are accountable for their
actions, not even to members of their own organization.
strongly encourage them to re-evalute their approach to advocacy and
how they treat fellow advocates, and wish them the best of luck in
their future endeavors.
So, my recommendations to you the
California Pan Fighting Facebooker:
- If you have donated to
their go fund me page, you may want to consider either ask them for
some verifiable information on who they are and what the money is
being used for, or get your money back. - If you want to donate to
the California efforts, the two reputable groups that I know of to do that through
are the CCA (https://www.calchiro.org/) or The Canary Party
(http://canaryparty.org/index.php/donate - 100% of all donations
tagged “California” go straight to the CCHC efforts.) -
Members of the OKOC page may want to do their own vetting on the
leadership of that group to see if they can get more information than I was able to before giving them your trust. - If you have taken
their online survey you may want to ask what that information will be
used for and if it will remain private. - Follow the
recommendations of the CCHC if you are in the California fight. -
If you consider me a trusted source, don't automatically assume that
any group I am in is one I actually have vetted and support, or that anyone on my friend's list is a safe person. I have nearly 4,500 fb
friends and am in hundreds of group (because people can add me to
whatever). I am sure that there are tolls both among my fb followers or in those groups.
If anyone has more information on who they are, and whether or not you have a trusted relationship with them, please post below. I could not find anyone who did, but I only had two days to look.
As always, as this fight for vaccine choice rights becomes more and more intense, it is wise for us to pay attention to who is in leadership. Different groups take different approaches, and I actually think that is great. We all need to find a group that we can trust and who shares our goals and values.
If OKOC is your group of choice, then great. I earnestly wish you all the success in the world. Just want to encourage you to pay closer attention to your leadership in this very, very important battle to make sure that little red flags and problems don't become huge problems that hamstring the actual work.
I let them know I would post any statement that they sent me on this matter.
Correction: They actually have two FB groups and I had confused one for the other. They are now both listed and links are correct.
Hi folks. I'm writing to clear up some questions an rumors. I'm sorry my response took so long. I'm a human after all and I have been hurt by all the accusations just like I'm sure anyone of you would be if you were attacked. I realize unfortunately this is part of the political game. To clear things up I want you to know that I'm hiring an accountant to manage the go fund me account. It's currently sitting in escrow. This was always the plan. I realize now it was a mistake to not address that immediately. If you go to the go fund me page now you will see that how the funds will be spent is clearly outlined. I will also be adding my bio to the website as the founder of the group. I hope all of you will see my full transparency. I'm a single mom doing the best I can and have devoted all my free time to OKOC and our cause. I am at work today as I'm sure many of you are but I just wanted to quickly address your concerns and let you know that I'm listening. I'd appreciate in return that you understand that with a full time job I'm doing all of this completely in my spare time and am handling them as quickly as possible. Thank you all for your continued efforts and commitment. I will continue to do everything I can to help us defeat this bill.
Update 4/17 I have had a few more specific requests on where to go for information on the California efforts for those looking for daily updates and directions. I recommend the California Coalition for Vaccine Choice. https://www.facebook.com/groups/393039350720224/
Statement by the California Coalition for Health Choice:
"CCHC Continues To Grow & Show Strength
The California Coalition for Health Choice (CCHC) is a grassroots umbrella organization that advocates for the preservation of parental rights regarding medical decisions for their children. CCHC represents thousands of parents, healthcare professionals and concerned citizens who oppose SB277.
The CCHC-YFYC has been the leader in setting direction for legislative advocacy and media strategy. CCHC was responsible for recruiting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Eric Gladen, Dr. Bob Sears and others for our Sacramento and San Diego Rallies. These rallies were broadcast statewide. CCHC was also responsible for orchestrating testimony, and mobilizing the thousands of people who attended the Senate Health & Education Committee hearings. CCHC is responsible for the largest victory to date, which is to delay a vote in Senate Education Committee. This clearly demonstrates that we are being heard.
CCHC consists of many advocacy and grassroots organizations, including: Californians for Health Choice; Your Family, Your Choice - People for Informed Consent; the Canary Party; California Coalition for Vaccine Choice; People Against Mandatory Vaccines, Weston Price Foundation and many others. CCHC also seeks counsel, support and resources from other organizations, including the California Chiropractic Association.
CCHC is in no way affiliated with a group called Our Kids, Our Choice. There has been confusion as this group has posted pictures of the events, and presented themselves as involved in our Coalition. CCHC has made several attempts to work with OKOC leadership, and these attempts have failed. OKOC has no interest in working with CCHC. While this is unfortunate, we do welcome members of OKOC who share in our mission to join our cause.
For questions or to officially become part of CCHC, please contact us at cchcyfyc@gmail.com.
Please refer all media inquiries to Jean Munoz Keese via private message, and/or email CCHCMedia@yahoo.com."
Update Jan 2016:
Some have asked how this played out. I encouraged Kristin to speak with someone who had a good understanding of financing laws and accountability for such donations. She determined that it was not wise to be collecting funds the way she had been doing, and donated the money to the California Chiropractic Association.
OKOC has since become a 501c4 corporation, so their financial accountability is no longer in question, and everyone seems back on the path to doing the work that so badly needs to be done.
No pharma shills, legitimacy of those involved has been esstablished, and its all good.
Paul Offit and Toni Bark were set to appear today on the Mike Gallagher radio show to discuss vaccines.
Offit canceled.
Interesting follow up to the refusal to appear on Democracy Now at the same time as Mary Holland. The hosts called him out for it on the air and Offit melted down.
Paul Offit is a liar and a coward.
I long for the day he is placed under oath, is made to testify and is cross examined.
This week I did a thing. Below is the article I wrote about the thing for the web site of the Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice.
Maine vaccine interests are not super happy that the thing happened. Cassandra Grantham of Vax Maine Kids thinks that the thing is super wrong. From their FB page on the debate:
Really, Cassandra?
"This anonymous blogger believes that the panel debating vaccines being hosted by WGME CBS 13 News, Portland tonight may in fact be more about ratings than ethics. Is this sensational journalism? Is there sometimes when there is no other side and entertaining anything else is irresponsible?"
Gosh... if an anonblog says it is an ethics problem then let's shut that mother down! Parents and docs that don't tow the line should not be allowed to speak in public!
"We can tell you that there were many pediatricians that were asked to participate tonight on this show that refused in silent protest of the fact that the issue is being presented as having two sides...that says a lot to us."
Rumors of anondocs protesting silently... always a strong arguement. How is this woman still employed? This is a giant health corporation and their spokes person comes across as a college sophmore sorrority sister majoring in prissy passive agression.
And this little hilarious note: "What needs to be discussed is how best to work with families that have concerns and questions about vaccination and how to encourage parents that are solidly in favor of vaccines to speak out as often and frequently as parents who are skeptical."
Funny for two reasons, First, she has blocked me from commenting on their fb page, showing they have no interest in working with families that have questions and concerns about vaccination, and second, no one comments on their posts so they can't even get their followers to "speak out as often as parents who are skeptical."
Anyway... here is the story about the thing and the videos of how fat I am the vaccine debate.
By Ginger Taylor
This week in Maine an unprecedented
event occurred. A mainstream media outlet hosted an extended, live
debate on vaccines, invited a balanced panel and a balanced audience,
let the audience questions drive the debate, and in no way biased or
edited the final product.
Turns out there is a good reason
that public health officials and vaccine program defenders don't
participate in fair, open, unedited, extended debates with critics of
the vaccine program... they have dramatically different outcomes than
the biased, prepackaged media pieces we are used to seeing. Public
health loses control of the narrative quickly.
WGME has placed the entire debate on
their web site and on YouTube. We at the Maine Coalition for Vaccine
Choice encourage you to take an evening to watch this unique debate,
and to share it widely with those who are interested in more in depth
discussions on vaccine matters. In preparation for this
article, I contacted my fellow panelists to tell them that we would
be writing a follow up to the event and asked them to send any
citations that might apply to the topics that they discussed so that
those interested could continue to research the material. Below the
videos you will find each of their notes.
there are five vaccine bills in the Maine Legislature. Two that
restrict and remove vaccine exemption rights, one that adds more
vaccines to the list of those mandated for school entry, one that
prevents discrimination against those who are unvaccinated, and
another, written by me, to create a vaccine safety office at the
Maine CDC to prevent vaccine injury, and to get vaccine injuries
properly assessed, diagnosed, treated and compensated via the federal
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
These bills will be heard
in the Joint Committee on Health and Human Services on May 11th.
We will be holding an all day advocacy push that day which includes
a scheduled visit from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who will be educating
legislators on what he has learned about vaccine safety after
investigating parental vaccine injury claims.
We encourage
Mainers who want to retain their right to vaccinate as they choose,
and who want to work to prevent vaccine injury, to join our mailing
list on http://mainevaxchoice.org/,
join our group on facebook at
and to join us in Augusta on May 11th
as we educate the legislators on what is really going on in the
vaccine program and why parental rights must be respected.
https://www.facebook.com/events/1593889950828752/ On
behalf of myself, The Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice, The Canary
Party, HealthChoice.org, and the thousands of families we represent,
we thank CBS 13/WGME and the Bangor Daily News for holding such an
unbiased and in depth town hall discussion on vaccines.
We hope that this will be a shining example of how mainstream media
can restore their reputation with the public on this topic, and that
it will be the first of many such events in the US.
World Health Organization/CDC slide
show that says the relative risk was 7.6 based on 8 studies, and
"several reanalyses with same conclusions" (slide 4):
Receipt of an A/NJ/1976/H1N1 "swine
flu" vaccine in 1976, unlike receipt of influenza vaccines used
in subsequent years, was strongly associated with the development of
the neurologic disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).
Anti-ganglioside antibodies (e.g., anti-GM(1)) are associated with
the development of GBS, and we hypothesized that the swine flu
vaccine contained contaminating moieties (such as Campylobacter
jejuni antigens that mimic human gangliosides or other vaccine
components) that elicited an anti-GM(1) antibody response in
susceptible recipients.
Surviving samples of monovalent and
bivalent 1976 vaccine, comprising those from 3 manufacturers and 11
lot numbers, along with several contemporary vaccines were tested for
hemagglutinin (HA) activity, the presence of Campylobacter DNA, and
the ability to induce anti-Campylobacter and anti-GM(1) antibodies
after inoculation into C3H/HeN mice.
We found that, although C. jejuni was
not detected in 1976 swine flu vaccines, these vaccines induced
anti-GM(1) antibodies in mice, as did vaccines from 1991-1992 and
2004-2005. Preliminary studies suggest that the influenza HA induces
anti-GM(1) antibodies.
Influenza vaccines contain structures
that can induce anti-GM(1) antibodies after inoculation into mice.
Further research intoinfluenza vaccine components that elicit
anti-ganglioside responses and the role played by these antibodies
(if any) in vaccine-associated GBS is warranted.
A sample of six
vaccine and injectable medication disasters in the US during the past
60 years
All have been due to failures of
testing or failures in manufacturing processes. Meryl
Nass, M.D. March 21, 2015
1. 1955: (Improperly inactivated)
live polio vaccine caused polio in thousands of children
Cutter (now part of Bayer) incident
1955–This early US Salk polio vaccine contained live polio virus,
which had not been inactivated in the factory. It caused 40,000
polio cases in the US due to inadequate inactivation of live virus.
Cutter was the major company involved, but other companies also had
problems with viral inactivation. The NIH director and others lost
their jobs in the aftermath, since Bernice Eddy, an NIH scientist,
had earlier found the vaccines paralyzed monkeys, but her findings
were suppressed in the rush to vaccinate.
2. 1950s-1960s: SV-40 (Simian Virus
40, a cancer-causing virus) contaminated polio vaccines given to tens
of millions of Americans.
SV-40 causes cancer in animals and has
been found in human cancers, though its relationship to human cancers
remains uncertain, as the research has been contradictory.
3. 1970s-1985: Factor 8 Concentrate.
a pooled blood product used to prevent bleeding in hemophiliacs, was
contaminated with HIV and Hepatitis C, but continued to be sold
worldwide, even after manufacturers became aware of the
Its manufacturers knew it was
contaminated with HIV (and Hepatitis C), which spread through the
injectable blood products used by hemophiliacs. About 8,000 US
hemophiliacs at the time developed HIV infections this way, and an
estimated 150,000 developed Hepatitis C, which frequently results in
chronic liver disease, cirrhosis or death. The practice of
distributing contaminated blood was widespread internationally, with
many companies involved, and continued even after the problem was
identified. It led to suits against pharmaceutical companies in a
number of countries. It led to thousands of deaths. Doctors went to
Cutter/ Bayer knowingly sold
HIV-contaminated products in the US and overseas, seemingly having
learned nothing from its polio-contaminated vaccine disaster 25 years
4. 1976-1977: Swine flu vaccine given
to 45 million Americans for a non-existent disease, causing hundreds
of cases of paralysis
A new flu virus was discovered in a
soldier who died at Fort Dix, NJ. Concern that the virus might cause
a 1918-like influenza pandemic led to a huge federal program to
develop a vaccine and vaccinate every American against the virus. But
the epidemic never occurred. And the affected soldier, despite having
an acute infection, had undertaken a forced march, and then died. No
one knew if the flu had killed him. The vaccine manufacturers,
meanwhile, were given a waiver of liability.
After 45 million inoculations of the
newly developed vaccine, about 400 people developed paralysis from
the vaccine (Guillain Barre syndrome, at a rate 6-8 times expected
during the six weeks post-inoculation) and about 30 died. The
program was then ended. The Secretary of HEW, Joseph Califano, asked
that a thorough investigation be done of the science, the policy and
the processes involved. The result is a bird’s eye view of how
personal and political agendas came together to supercede
considerations of the public health:
This oral vaccine was designed to
prevent a usually mild form of gastroenteritis that kills (via
dehydration) an estimated 30 US babies per year. However, it caused
22 times the expected number of cases of intussusception of the
bowel, and many affected babies required surgery to repair
“telescoping” of the guy. Several died. Four months after being
licensed, the vaccine was taken off the market.
6. 2009-10 Pandemrix swine flu
vaccine, used in Europe, caused about 900 cases of narcolepsy.
Children aged 5-19 were about 15 times
more likely to develop narcolepsy if they received the Pandemrix
brand of swine flu vaccine in Europe. Other age groups were also at
an increased risk or narcolepsy due to the vaccine, but to a lesser
degree. Narcolepsy is caused by autoimmune destruction of cells in
the locus ceruleus of the brain. It is a newly recognized vaccine
adverse reaction. The narcolepsy cases were quite severe and
generally associated with cataplexy.
The adverse effect profile of drugs and
vaccines is generally not well known until millions of people have
received the drug or vaccine. This occurred in each of the cases
federal legislation, removing manufacturer liability for (even
unlicensed) products developed for emergencies, increases the speed
at which these products are manufactured and tested, increasing their
potential risk.
For these reasons, citizens deserve to
retain the right to choose for themselves and their children whether
or not to receive medical products and procedures.
State Legislators Organization (NCSL)
Targets Vaccine Exemptions and Supports Meningitis Vaccines
How might state legislators be
influenced/manipulated by pharmaceutical companies to remove vaccine
exemptions and mandate more vaccines? Through their non-partisan
national organization, which appears to provide “value-free”
information on many subjects of interest to legislators.
The NCSL (national conference of state
legislatures) sponsor list includes many Pharma companies
“Between 2009 and 2012, lawmakers in
18 states introduced 36 bills involving vaccine exemptions, 31 of
which would have made opting out of shots easier. None of the 31
passed, largely because of strong evidence that withholding
vaccinations leads to outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and other
diseases. States with easier exemption policies were “associated
with a 90 percent higher incidence of whooping cough in 2011,”
according to a 2013 Institute of Medicine report.
(This does not make sense, since
the main driver in whooping cough epidemics is the waning of vaccine
immunity, not lack of vaccinations—Nass)
Children who are vaccinated against
preventable diseases such as influenza and whooping cough also have
fewer doctors’ visits, hospitalizations and premature deaths, say
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
California, Vermont and Washington now
require parents who want exemptions to get a doctor’s signature. In
Oregon, parents must get a doctor’s signature or watch a video
about the risks and benefits of vaccines. In Colorado, where whooping
cough cases have topped a 60-year high, lawmakers passed HB 1288 in
2013 requiring schools to collect and make publicly available
information about their vaccination and exemption rates.”
With a date of 1/12/2015, this
organization has a page titled “Immunizations Policy Issues
legislation, even though neither
vaccine is associated with herd immunity; your child will not “catch”
either of these infections through casual contact with other
CDC recommended
childhood vaccine schedule from 1973 to 1988 as compared to the
current schedule following the liability protection put in place in
has become a vaccine
patent holder
while approving, regulating and recommending vaccines, and while and
adjudicating vaccine injuries, without disclosing its serious
conflicts of interests to consumers.
current Congressional investigation into the #CDCwhistleblower
scandal, triggered when senior CDC vaccine scientist William Thompson
admitted publicly that he and his research team had actively hidden
vaccine autism links from the public.
The DOJindictment of CDC vaccine safety researcher PoulThorsen on 21 counts of fraud and money laundering for embezzling
more than a million dollars from CDC and his university, whose
research CDC is still using to support vaccine safety claims.
University Environmental Law Review research showing that,
although the federal government will not officially establish the
vaccine/autism link, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has been
quietly paying autism cases since 1991.
Flanigan wrote very gracious notes to both myself and Dr. Nass about
our participation in the debate. He thanked us for the offer to add
notes, but shared that the state of Maine believes that the debate as
aired speaks for itself.
by Dora Anne Mills:
of this publishing Dr. Mills has not responded to our offer to
include her notes. We will amend should she forward any comments to