April 23, 2007

A Day of Prayer and Fasting

Thank you to Sam for inspiring this International Day of Prayer and Fasting.

Thank you to his parents for loving their son and listening to God.

Today we ask that you join us in praying for those with autism, their friends and family, and the world that God has charged with serving them.

First, pray for Sam. He inspired this day and he should be the first on our list to pray for.

Second, pray for autistic people, children and adults, and their families around the world. Theirs is a difficult life made more difficult by the people around them who just don't understand. Pray that these people would gain the world's attention and that they would be given the support that they need, socially, politically, medically, financially, emotionally and specifically spiritually. Pray that the world would seek to understand them and be patient with their ways that are so different from ours.

Pray that those who have much in this world will help bear the burdens of those affected by autism, and that both will be better for it.

Pray for healing in those with autism and in autistic communities. Physical healing, healing of broken hearts and of broken relationships.

Pray for those with autism, that God would speak directly to their hearts and let them know how precious and valuable they are. That all of the messages that the world sends them, both real and perceived, that they are not as “________” their typical neighbors or siblings would be wiped away, and they would see the very special honor that God gives to them.

For those of you would like to pray for Chandler today, here are the things that we are asking for him:

For Chandler's healing: That the toxins will be removed from his body, that his digestive system would be healed, that the inflammation in his body would be gone, that his body would begin to produce its own glutathione, that any viruses that Chandler has would be killed completely and that his brain would get the nutrients it needs to heal itself.

For Chandler's diet: We have started him on a VERY clean diet of not much more than fruit, veggies, meat and nuts (the SCD diet). No prepackaged food, all home made, hormone free and organic. Pray that he will find foods that he loves and that he will begin to eat vegetables. Pray that his digestive problems would be healed.

For Chandler's safety: Chandler's innocence and lack of fear put him at serious risk for accidents and victimization. Time and time again we have chased him as he headed toward traffic, and you may know that autistic children are often bullied by other school children and are often victims of prejudice and discrimination. What you may not know is that autistic children are 6 times more likely to be victims of sexual assault. They make safe targets for assailants because they cannot tell their parents what has happened to them. Ask God to have his strongest Angels surrounding Chandler at all times.

For Chandler's education: He has an IEP next week that will set the course for his education. Pray for wisdom for us and the professionals involved in his care. Pray that he will get ALL the services that he needs to thrive.

For Chandler's parents and brother: That they would surrender completely to God. That all the idols and obstacles in their lives that keep them from doing the right things for Chandler would be brought to light and gladly handed to God.

For Chandler's resources: God “owns the cattle on a thousand hills”, it ALL belongs to Him. Pray that He would open up his storehouses and pour out his blessings on Chandler. Not just the financial resources to serve and heal him, but spiritual resources, emotional availability, wisdom and even energy to Chandler, and even more so to those surrounding him and entrusted with his care. It takes a lot to serve an autistic child well. Pray that God's supernatural provision is given to all those who are in Chandler's life and that they pour it back into him.

For Chandler's family: Sadly, Chandler's extended family is broken. The only thing that will bring the family back together and heal it will be a working of the Holy Spirit to bring those who have wronged Chandler to confession and repentance. Pray that all the lies that have been spoken and believed will be wiped away and replaced by absolute Truth.

For Chandler's ministry: God has clearly said in Matthew 25 that what we do to the least of these, we do to Jesus Christ Himself, and those actions are what He will use to judge the hearts of men. Chandler, who is one of the least of these, has been given a very special mission in this world, to be a fork where one takes the narrow road or the wide road. It is easy to ignore the needs of someone with autism and get away with choosing to serve yourself instead. God stands behind Chandler at all times and watches what we do to him and what we don't do for him and uses it as a litmus test of our salvation.

In God's economy, Chandler is the most powerful person in our community. He is the weak thing that God has chosen to shame the strong. He is one of the Meek that will in inherit the earth, and one day he will be our landlord. Pray for the people whose lives he touches, that God would use Chandler to show them that God's economy is completely opposite to the one in which the world operates. Pray for them that even their failures to serve Chandler, and therefore Christ, would bring them to repentance and show them that they really have nothing to offer to God, but their own brokenness.

… God is excited to completely forgive every broken person who asks for it.

Pray that God would openly bless, in every way, those who serve Chandler.

And finally and most importantly:

For Chandler's understanding of God: Pray that the Holy Spirit would be in there with Chandler, where we cannot go, teaching him when our words cannot.

Thank you again for loving my son and praying for him.



Critter said...

What beautiful prayers for Chandler. I will pray for him and for your family

Unknown said...

I think you have started on a great journey. My daughter who is now four years old has autism. I did put her in a special diet but the best thing that I have done is turn my situation "fully" to God. I then understood the power of the holly spirit and started to have a relationship with the holly spirit. That is when everything started changing. I started casting out all the spirit that is bringing fear and agressiveness in her. I made her repeat prayers after me before bed. I put my hands on her and pray in spirit. Mind you, we didn't take her any where before because she was way too agressive, but now with the grace of God, we take her everywhere we go. She is very loving to her younger sister. Speech therapy and intense ABA improved her speech. She is not completely healed but I belive that God will heal her either instantly or through time. I pray for your son Chandlor. Keep praying even if you don't see any changes in him instantly. God will heal him but first he will change "you" as a person. Remember, "we can do all things through christ that strengthens us" Phillipians 4:13

Unknown said...
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