April 30, 2009

Adversomics: The Emerging Field of Vaccine Adverse Event Immunogenetics

We are emerging from the dark frozen winter of the vaccine extremists. This warm sunbeam on our faces brought to you by the wise and reasonable folks at the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal:

"We believe that adversomics (the immunogenetics and immunogenomics of vaccine adverse events at the individual and population level, respectively) is critical to understanding and preventing serious adverse vaccine-related events, developing the next generation of vaccines, and to improving public confidence in vaccine safety."

It is like a breath of fresh air.

"Nonetheless, the field of adversomics is growing due to scientific interest in understanding the basis for vaccine reactions, “push” from the growing field of individualized medicine, and consumer demand for safer vaccines."

Ahhhh.... I hear birds chirping and can smell the new flowers of spring.

Adversomics: The Emerging Field of Vaccine Adverse Event Immunogenetics

Gregory A. Poland, MD,* Inna G. Ovsyannikova, PhD,† and Robert M. Jacobson, MD‡

Key Words: genetic association, immunogenetics, vaccine adverse events

(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2009;28: 431–432)

Vaccines have enabled tremendous decreases in infectious diseases, eradication of smallpox, saved lives, and remain among the most effective and cost-effective of our public health initiatives.1 At the same time, as an ever larger number of vaccines are administered globally, increasing concerns about adverse events and reactions have been raised and threaten the public health successes attributable to vaccines. For example, the controversy surrounding measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and thimerosal are emblematic of public concerns and perceptions regarding vaccine safety and vaccine adverse reactions (AEs). With current and future technologic advances such as high throughput whole-genome scanning, transcriptomics, epigenetics, proteomics, and new biostatistical approaches to understanding huge databases of information, we can better understand associations and mechanisms by which genetically- mediated individual variations in vaccine response and reactivity occur. Armed with such knowledge, the ability to predict such AEs, or to design new vaccine approaches that minimize or eliminate serious vaccine-related reactions could be devised, consistent with a more personalized or individual approach to vaccine practice which we have called adversomics (the immunogenetics and immunogenomics of vaccine adverse events at the individual and population level, respectively).


Immune, inflammatory, idiosyncratic, and other responses to a vaccine are determined by a host of known and unknown factors, including individual characteristics (age, gender, race, medical condition, etc.), the quality and quantity of vaccine antigen(s), the number of doses administered, route of immunization, and host genetics. Although tremendous work has gone into understanding genetic susceptibility to infectious diseases,2 attention now needs to turn toward understanding genetic susceptibility to vaccine-related AEs. Indeed in the case of live vaccines, one might simplistically envision administration of such vaccines as an “infection” and conceptually study the susceptibility to such reactions in the same manner. To further develop this construct, we have hypothesized that adverse reactions and events may not be random, but may in fact be, in part, genetically predetermined. For example, early studies demonstrated that certain populations are unusually susceptible to measles vaccine reactions with post-vaccine febrile reactions among 11 different Amerind populations 0.4°C higher than in Caucasian populations.3 It was speculated that genetic differences in Amerinds were associated with intensified reactions to measles vaccine. Studies of Native American children revealed higher risks for invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infection than white children. Decreased IgG2 and IgG4 antibody responses to H. influenzae type b polysaccharide vaccine were observed in healthy Apache children, compared with white children, potentially explaining the higher incidence of H. influenza type b infections in Apache populations. 4 Later studies revealed specific Km and
Gm genetic allotypes associated with poorer immune response.5

More recent studies have investigated the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of AEs associated with live viral vaccines. A large study of AEs, including fever, lymphadenopathy, and localized or generalized rash, after smallpox immunization was associated with increased levels of IFN-!, TNF-", IL-2, IL-5, and IL-10, whereas individuals who did not report an AE demonstrated increased IFN-! levels only during the acute phase compared with baseline levels after immunization.6 Concerns regarding myopericarditis after smallpox vaccine has resulted in studies which are examining possible genetic associations.7,8

Additional insights into identification of genetic markers that affect immune and physiological responses to viral vaccines emerged from a study which examined the genetic basis for adverse events after smallpox vaccination.9 The hypothesis was that subjects experiencing AEs exhibited unique genetic polymorphisms associated with AE reactions in response to smallpox vaccination. To test the hypothesis 346 smallpox (Dryvax) immunized individuals were genotyped for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 19 candidate genes and assessed for the development of fever associated with the receipt of vaccine. This study showed that fever following smallpox vaccination was associated with specific haplotypes on the IL1 gene complex, and in the IL18 and IL4 genes. Importantly, these findings raise the possibility that the same genetic polymorphisms linked to fever after smallpox vaccine may also influence fever risk after other live virus vaccines, including MMR.9,10 For example, a small percentage of children who get vaccine-induced fever after MMR will develop febrile seizures. Knowledge of a genetic association could allow the development of predictive tests or preventive therapies that could be administered with vaccine to prevent such AEs.

In another study 131 healthy volunteers from 2 independent smallpox vaccine studies were genotyped across 386 genes and assessed for local and systemic AEs.11 The authors reported that genetic polymorphisms in genes expressing an enzyme previously associated with adverse reactions to a variey of pharmacologic agents (ie, the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, MTHFR, gene) and an immunologic transcription factor (ie, the interferon regulatory factor-1, IRF1, gene) were associated with local and systemic AEs (an oral temperature !38.3°C, generalized skin eruptions, or enlarged or tender regional lymph nodes) after smallpox vaccination.

Our own laboratory has done extensive work in identifying genetic associations with HLA, cytokine, cytokine receptor, innate receptors, innate immune response genes, and signaling molecules and both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses.12,13 This work has been fundamental to identifying and understanding associations between genetic polymorphisms and variations in immune responses. Such methods must now be turned toward understanding adverse events associated with vaccination. An example is that epidemiologic studies have quantified the risk of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and anaphylaxis, attributable to the MMR vaccine in the second year of life as 1 case per 40,000 vaccinated children.14,15 Recently France et al demonstrated that 76% of ITP cases in children ages 12 to 23 months were related to MMR vaccination.15 Identification of a genetic association between MMR vaccine and ITP would be important and would inform attempts at developing preventive strategies or improved vaccines. A further example is the expanding recommendations for the use of seasonal influenza vaccine and the potential use of pandemic vaccines globally; studies of the genetic susceptibility to Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) would be important.16

We believe that adversomics (the immunogenetics and immunogenomics of vaccine adverse events at the individual and population level, respectively) is critical to understanding and preventing serious adverse vaccine-related events, developing the next generation of vaccines, and to improving public confidence in vaccine safety. Significant difficulties in the growth of the field of vaccine immunogenetics include the difficulty of studying large enough numbers of subjects (rare AEs are, by definition, rare), lack of research funding, the complexity and extensive polymorphic nature of immune response genes, statistical issues of multiple comparisons and statistical power, issues of multigenic and other gene interactions such as complementation and epigenetic DNA modifications, and gender, racial, and ethnic differences. Nonetheless, the field of adversomics is growing due to scientific interest in understanding the basis for vaccine reactions, “push” from the growing field of individualized medicine, and consumer demand for safer vaccines. The capability to reproduce statistical associations in independent population-based studies remains essential to assessing the generalization of such studies. Clearly more comprehensive studies are needed to determine if there are
associations between genetic variations among individuals and susceptibility to serious adverse events in response to vaccination. These factors combined with technologic ability will lead to a new era in vaccinology and better, safer vaccines.

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ten
Great Public Health Achievements—United States,
1900–1999. MMWR. 1999;48:241–243.
2. Kaslow R, et al. eds. Genetic Susceptibility to
Infectious Diseases. New York, NY: Oxford University
Press; 2008:1– 447.
3. Black FL, et al. Intensified reactions to measles
vaccine … J Infect Dis. 1971;124:306 –317.
4. Siber GR, et al. Impaired antibody response to
Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide…
N Engl J Med. 1990;323:1387–1392.
5. Goldblatt D, et al. Association of Gm allotypes
with the antibody response … J Immunol. 1994;
153:5316 –5320.
6. Rock MT, et al. Adverse events after smallpox
immunizations … J Infect Dis. 2004;189:1401–
7. Halsell JS, et al. Myopericarditis following smallpox
vaccination … JAMA. 2003;289:3283–3289.
8. Wilson CB, et al. Vaccine safety–vaccine benefits
… Nat Rev Immunol. 2001;1:160 –165.
9. Stanley SL, et al. The immunogenetics of smallpox
vaccination. J Infect Dis. 2007;196:212–219.
10. Usonis V, et al. Reactogenicity and immunogenicity
of a new live …. Pediatr Infect Dis J.
1999;18:42– 48.
11. Reif DM, et al. Genetic basis for adverse events
after smallpox vaccination. J Infect Dis. 2008;
198:16 –22.
12. Poland GA, et al. Heterogeneity in vaccine immune
response … Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007;
82:653– 664.
13. Poland GA, et al. Vaccine immunogenetics ….
Vaccine. 2008;26:6183– 6188.
14. Stratton KR, et al. Adverse events associated with
childhood vaccines other than pertussis and rubella
… JAMA. 1994;271:1602–1605.
15. France EK, et al. Risk of immune thrombocytopenic
purpura … Pediatrics. 2008;121:e687–
16. Juurlink DN, et al. Guillain-Barre syndrome after
influenza vaccination in adults … Arch Intern
Med. 2006;166:2217–2221.
Concise Reviews The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 28, Number 5, May 2009
432 ©

April 28, 2009

Thank You to the Wonderful Autism Moms of PA

What a great chance to get to spend the day with you guys!

I have posted the notes a picture that some of us took on Daily Discernment.

I had way too many conversations that I didn't get to finish, so please email me so we can finish talking. I would also love to hear from you who have any questions, comments or who are looking for more to help them on their journey.

Thanks for the invite!

April 23, 2009

Jim Carrey on Vaccines: Movie Star Urges Moderation while Mainstream Medicine Preaches Excess

Has anyone noticed this odd phenomenon?

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Over indulgent movie star raving about some extreme position while doctors caution to take one things step at a time until we have good information about what the wisest course is?

But instead, Jim is saying this over at HuffPo:

We have never argued that people shouldn't be immunized for the most serious threats including measles and polio, but surely there's a limit as to how many viruses and toxins can be introduced into the body of a small child. Veterinarians found out years ago that in many cases they were over-immunizing our pets, a syndrome they call Vaccinosis. It overwhelmed the immune system of the animals, causing myriad physical and neurological disorders. Sound familiar? If you can over-immunize a dog, is it so far out to assume that you can over-immunize a child? These forward thinking vets also decided to remove thimerosal from animal vaccines in 1992, and yet this substance, which is 49% mercury, is still in human vaccines. Don't our children deserve as much consideration as our pets?

While the medical establishment's chosen vaccine spokesperson, Dr. Paul Offit is saying this:

“A baby’s body is bombarded with immunologic challenges—from bacteria in food to the dust they breathe. Compared to what they typically encounter and manage during the day, vaccines are literally a drop in the ocean”, and Dr. Offits studies theoretically show an infant could handle up to 100,000 vaccines at one time … safely.

He spoke as if the only thing in a vaccine is the viruses. He makes vaccines, he knows that there is plenty more in there to cause problems.

When he first made this claim in 2005, I was sure it was a misquote, so I wrote to him and asked him for clarification. His response:

"The figure of 100,000 is correct, and probably a little conservative".

He was still repeating that ridiculous assertion as recently as last year.

I did the math. That is about 13 gallons of vaccine solution, several times the mass of actual said baby. Picture your baby sitting in front of 13 gallons of milk. Or picture your baby sitting in front of two and a half of those big 5 gallon bottles they use in your office water cooler.

Now which one of these two men, if you didn't know their professions, would you take vaccine advice from?

If America has a court jester it is Jim Carrey. When the jester takes off his funny hat and starts offering reasoned, middle of the road arguments, and the court doctor is telling us to throw caution to the wind and pushing to give babies five, seven and even nine meds at once (much less making comically criminal statements like suggesting it is safe to give a baby 100,000 doses of a pharmaceutical), it certainly must signal some sort of cosmic shift or polar reversal.

Everyone check their bathtubs and make sure that they are still draining clockwise.

April 15, 2009

David Tayloe and AAP Lawyers Take Umbridge At Jay Gordon's April Fools Satire

You have GOT to read this post on Hoyden About Town:

AAP & formula funding April Fool

As an April Fools Day satire, Dr. Jay Gordon, under his own name, put up a fake letter from David Tayloe The Unethical, head of the AAP, on a lactation message board apologizing for the AAP's sleazy ties to baby formula companies.

Everyone knew it was a joke and got the joke. It was a really good satire.

But AAP's lawyers are now crying defamation.

There seems to be no limits to Tayloe's myopic and inane endeavors.

I reiterate my call for all wise pediatricians to rise up and take back their profession. THROW THE BUM OUT!

Vaccine Strain Polio Death in Minnesota

The live virus Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), which is no longer used in the US but is used in places like India and Nigeria, can lead to actual polio infections both in those who get the vaccine and in others who can catch the disease from those who are "shedding" the virus after the vaccine.

This is a case where someone came into contact with someone shedding polio after OPV.

I don't know why the OPV vaccine is still used at all. It is my understanding that part of the reason polio is still active in India and Nigeria is because they use the OPV.

Minnesota Department of Health
News Release
April 14, 2009
Contact information
Polio virus associated with oral vaccine reported in Minnesota resident
Patient who died had weakened immune system, multiple other health conditions

State health officials are investigating a case of infection associated with the polio virus in a Minnesotan who died last month.

The patient was infected with a virus strain found in the oral polio vaccine. The oral vaccine, which is no longer used in the U.S., contained live polio virus. The injected polio vaccine now in use contains only inactivated virus.

The patient died with symptoms that included paralytic polio, but it is not known to what extent the polio may have contributed to the death. The patient had a weakened immune system and multiple health problems. The patient most likely acquired the vaccine-derived polio virus from someone who had received the live-virus, oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) before the use of OPV was discontinued nine years ago.

Infection from polio virus can cause a wide range of symptoms. Most infections result in no or mild symptoms, but in rare cases can severely affect the neurologic system, resulting in paralysis.

Minnesota Department of Health officials are emphasizing that there is no risk to the general public from this case. Only people who have had direct, close contact with the patient, such as certain health care workers, may be at risk of infection. Adhering to recommended infection control guidelines and being vaccinated protect against polio. At this time, no additional cases of infection with the polio virus have been reported in connection with the patient.

"We are working closely with our local and national partners to investigate this case," said Minnesota State Epidemiologist Dr. Ruth Lynfield. "It's important to note that while there is no risk to the general public, many people still have vivid memories of a time when polio was a major public health concern before the first vaccines were introduced in the 1950s. This is a very rare occurrence and does not signal a resurgence of polio."

MDH staff are working with hospital staff to determine if there might be health care workers at risk for disease. Hospital staff are notifying all health care workers who may have been exposed. "Only unvaccinated people or people with deficient immune systems who have had direct, ungloved contact with the patient's bodily secretions are at any risk for disease," said Dr. Aaron DeVries, Medical Epidemiologist at MDH. Health officials will follow up with health care workers to make sure their immunizations are up to date and they are showing no signs of disease. "If you don't hear from a public health or health care official, you're not at risk," DeVries said.

This type of polio infection is very rare, officials stressed. In rare instances, a person who has either never been vaccinated or has certain immunodeficiencies can acquire the polio virus from someone who has been vaccinated and is excreting the virus in their stool. Sometimes these infections result in illness, as happened in this situation. Only 45 cases of vaccine-derived polio disease in persons with immunodeficiencies have been reported in the world since 1961.

This is the second instance of a polio infection caused by a vaccine strain of virus in the United States since 2000, when use of live-virus oral polio vaccine was discontinued in the U.S. All polio vaccinations in the U.S. are now done with an injected, killed-virus vaccine. The other instance of vaccine-derived polio infection also occurred in Minnesota, in 2005, but was very different from this case. It occurred in an unimmunized child from a community that had high levels of non-immunization and that case was not associated with neurological symptoms.

"We suspect that one reason why Minnesota has detected both cases in the United States in the last 10 years is because of the high level of cooperation among astute clinicians, a network of clinical laboratories and the Minnesota Department of Health, which in turn has a Public Health Laboratory that looks for such rare agents as polio virus," Lynfield said.

Naturally-occurring polio has been eradicated in the western hemisphere. The last case of naturally-occurring (not from vaccine) paralytic polio disease occurred in the United States in 1979.

Although members of the general public are not at risk, MDH officials say this unusual case should serve as a reminder to make sure that all of your immunizations are current and that children receive immunizations as recommended.

"It's always a good idea to check with your physicians or health care providers to be certain all of your vaccinations are current," DeVries said. "Make sure you're protected and your children are protected."

Most people in the United States have been vaccinated against polio and healthy people have developed full immunity to the disease. An estimated 94 percent of Minnesota's two-year-olds have had the full primary series of three polio shots, which are usually administered in infancy.

NOTE TO EDITORS/REPORTERS: According to Minnesota laws, the Minnesota Department of Health is unable to provide any further identifying information regarding the patient. In addition, the family has expressed their strong desire to maintain their privacy and confidentiality, so we are asking media to refrain from attempts to identify, locate or interview the family. Health officials are also concerned that doing so could interfere with the continuing investigation.

For more information, contact:
Doug Schultz
MDH Communications
Dr. Aaron Devries

April 13, 2009

Children Living Near Toxic Waste More Likely To Have Autism

Published in NeuroToxicology:

Ockham's Razor and autism: The case for developmental neurotoxins contributing to a disease of neurodevelopment

M. Catherine DeSoto

Department of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa, Baker Hall, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0505, United States

Received 16 January 2009;
accepted 7 March 2009.
Available online 21 March 2009.


Much professional awareness regarding environmental triggers for ASD has been narrowly focused on a single possible exposure pathway (vaccines). Meanwhile, empirical support for environmental toxins as a broad class has been quietly accumulating. Recent research has shown that persons with ASD have comparatively higher levels of various toxins and are more likely to have reduced detoxifying ability, and, that rates of ASD may be higher in areas with greater pollution. This report documents that within the state with the highest rate of ASD, the rate is higher for schools near EPA Superfund sites, t (332) = 3.84, p = .0001. The reasons for the rise in diagnoses likely involve genetically predisposed individuals being exposed to various environmental triggers at higher rates than in past generations.

Keywords: Autism; Developmental disorders; Toxins; Pollution; Heavy metals; Environmental contaminants

April 9, 2009

Alison Singer as Autism Czar? Oh Please Lord... No.

Rumor has it that Alison Singer, recently fired from her position as senior vice president of Autism Speaks for voting down vaccine/autism research on the IACC, is campaigning hard to become the Autism Czar.

Obama said during his campaign that he would create the position to tackle the autism epidemic, and apparently Singer thinks that her, "there is no epidemic, autism is purely genetic", stance is just the right approach to ending the epidemic. Brilliant.

Keep in mind that her "genes only" approach only leads to autism being cured the same way Downs Syndrome is now cured... aborting people who have even a genetic risk.

Lunching with Paul Offit and the suspicion that she is getting financing from Pharma for her aggressive vaccine stance (and the fact that she did nothing for our kids during her tenure at AS) has earned her the disdain of biomed parents; and her public statement that she considered killing her child and herself by driving off a bridge has put her at the top of the hit list of the neurodiversity community. (I am right there with them on that one. Have you heard that Singer's AS doesn't let people with Autism speak at their events?)

Alison, please do us a favor and go away. You seem to have no other agenda than to satiate your ambition and line your pockets while holding back real progress in improving our kids health, functioning, dignity and public treatment. You don't empower people with autism or parents of people with autism. You just empower you and those who are harming our kids.

Anyone else feel the same?

UPDATE: Someone asked about the Autism Czar position. This was put out by the Obama campaign before the election:

Paid for by Obama for America

More than one million Americans have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), a complex condition that impacts communication, socialization, and behavior. And more cases of ASD are being recognized across the country at an alarming pace. Barack Obama believes that we must do more to help support Americans with ASD, their families, and their communities. Throughout his career, Barack Obama has worked with families affected by ASD to raise awareness and to provide support to parents and families living with ASD. As president, Obama will build on these many years of advocacy and ensure that his administration prioritizes ASD research, public awareness, and lifelong support services. Obama will seek to increase federal ASD funding for research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services to $1 billion annually by the end of his first term in office. Obama will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers, researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective solutions for people with ASD.

Record of Leadership on ASD Research and Care: As an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama sponsored legislation that became law to create an ASD diagnosis education program, an initiative designed to promote the implementation of evidence-based practices. The goal of the project is to offer educational opportunities at all levels of care, including physicians, early intervention (EI) specialists, psychologists, teachers, day care providers, parents, respite workers, and speech and language therapists. Obama has personally worked side-byside with Illinois families affected by ASD to support efforts to build the Therapeutic School and Center for Autism Research. This school and research center will bring together education, academic research, early intervention programs, and training to prepare its students for independent living.

In the U.S. Senate, Obama is a cosponsor of a measure that would expand federal funding for life-long services for people with ASD, authorizing approximately $350 million in new federal funding for key programs related to treatments, interventions and services for both children and adults with ASD.

Appoint Federal ASD Coordinator to Oversee All Federal ASD Efforts: Barack Obama will ensure all federal ASD activities occur in an efficient manner that prioritizes both research and supports for families affected by ASD. Obama will appoint a Federal ASD Coordinator to oversee federal ASD research and federal efforts to improve awareness of ASD and improve the training of medical professionals to identify and treat ASD. By establishing one top-level point person to coordinate ASD efforts in the White House, Obama will ensure that ASD receives the recognition and priority it deserves in the federal government. The Federal ASD Coordinator will also be tasked with eliminating bureaucratic obstacles that may be delaying implementation of important ASD measures and ensuring that all federal ASD dollars are being spent in a manner that prioritizes results. The Coordinator will work with state task forces on ASD to ensure effective communication and
collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies.

Fully Fund the Combating Autism Act and Federal Autism Research Initiatives: Barack Obama supported the Combating Autism Act of 2006, which was signed into law in December 2006. The Combating Autism Act authorizes increased federal funding for ASD research and efforts to boost public awareness and early diagnosis of ASD. Since the bill has been enacted, however, federal funding for ASD has not increased to the levels Paid for by Obama for America authorized by the Combating Autism Act. As a U.S. Senator, Obama has worked to fully fund the Combating Autism Act and as president, he will ensure that his administration addresses the growing impact of ASD and other special needs on American families. President Obama will fully fund the Combating Autism Act, which provides nearly $1 billion in autism-related funding over 5 years, and work with Congress, parents and ASD experts to determine how to further improve federal and state programs.

Support Special Needs Education for Children with ASD: Barack Obama understands that children with special needs – students with visual, hearing, physical, sensory, and mental impairments – require meaningful resources to succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Obama is a strong supporter of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and supports full federal funding of the law to truly ensure that no child is left behind. The current underfunding of IDEA causes school districts throughout the country to deny necessary services to students with ASD and other special needs. Obama will also work to change IDEA’s definition of “autism” to Autism Spectrum Disorders to ensure that all children diagnosed with ASD disorders receive the support they need.

Support Universal Screening: While roughly 90 percent of infants in the United States are currently screened for various potentially disabling or life-threatening conditions, fewer than half the states screen all infants for the full recommended panel of 29 disorders. Many of these conditions, if caught early, can be treated before they result in permanent impairments or even death. Barack Obama believes we should screen all infants, and also that we must set a national goal to provide re-screening for all two-year-olds, the age at which some conditions, including ASD, begin to appear. These screenings will be safe and secure, and available for every American that wants them. Part of Obama's early childhood intervention plan will be directed at coordinating fragmented community programs to help provide all children access to screening for disabilities as infants and again as two-year olds. Achieving universal screening is essential so that disabilities can be identified early enough for those children and families to get the special supports and resources they need.

Work Together: As part of his commitment to open the doors of our government to the American people, Barack Obama is committed to facilitating open dialogue among Americans with special needs and their families, federal and state agencies, regional centers, resource centers, research institutions, school districts, first
responders, and community members.

April 3, 2009

Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Dr. Kartzinel, JB Handley, Stan Kurtz on Larry King Live Tonight

From AoA:

Remotes JB Handley is on the Larry King Blog right now. Please click HERE to read "Autism Is Preventable and Reversible" and leave a comment. You know the naysayers will. Please, go leave a comment.

Tune in to Larry King Live on CNN tonight to watch Jenny and company speak about autism, debate a doctor from mainstream medicine and introduce you to a family with a recovered child.

To hear more from Jenny, check her tour schedule at Generation Rescue. Her new book, Autism Healing and Prevention (written with Dr. Jerry Kartzinel) is available now. Stayed tuned for a signed copy contest later in the month.

Lets hope that Larry gives them some good questions to work with.

April 2, 2009

Peete vs. Peet

Amanda Peet has chosen to mark Autism Awareness Month by telling moms they have to vaccinate their children and that vaccines don't cause autism. She is doing it with her usual lack of subtlety and with out offering any details that might suggest that she actually has done any research and understands the arguments being made.

Holly Robinson Peete has heard enough from Ms. Peet and has made her boldest statement yet about her sons vaccine reaction and regressed into autism:

PEETE VS. PEET ON VACCINES AND AUTISM: Holly Robinson writes open letter to fellow actress Amanda regarding differing opinions.
(April 1, 2009)

Essence.com is featuring an open letter from Holly Robinson Peete to actress Amanda Peet regarding her comments about autism, a disease she believes struck her 11-year-old son after he received vaccinations when he was just 2-and-a-half.

Peete is the first African-American to sit on the board of Autism Speaks, an organization dedicated to increasing awareness and prevention of the disease. She shares her thoughts with the Web site about comments made by Peet, the spokesperson for vaccinateyourkid.org, who recently said that vaccinations don't cause autism.

I'm really disappointed to hear people like Amanda Peet—who have never been affected by autism—make public allegations like vaccinations don't cause autism. It makes me angry because it's so disingenuous to have this kind of public discussion, especially when World Autism Awareness Day is coming up on April 2.

But I know exactly what she is trying to do and that's to instill fear: if your child doesn't get vaccinations, you're going to make every other child sick. Believe me, I understand both sides of the argument because I have four children. Although I have total respect for what any mother feels is best for her child, you can't tell me what is right, because it's not necessarily going to work for my kid. I know because I've experienced it with my eldest son.

When my son was 2-and-a-half, he was just recovering from an ear infection and had been on antibiotics, therefore his immune system was suppressed. He had already missed several appointments for his vaccination so his pediatrician wanted to catch him up on all of them in the same day.

Although I asked if he'd consider waiting or breaking up the cocktail, which contains three viruses, he laughed me out of the office and belittled me. I firmly believe that it took my son to a place of no return and his body could not handle it. He had a violent reaction with convulsions and then he stopped talking and slipped into a silence. He no longer said, "Hi, Mommy," he no longer responded to his name and he no longer made eye contact. And to think that today there are more than 30 vaccines that children are required to receive is scary. I don't know why boys are five times more likely to become autistic, but they are.

I respect Amanda Peet for advocating for her children by trying to keep them safe with vaccines. If I could talk to Amanda Peet, I would say that, I'm glad your child was able to tolerate that level of toxicity, but don't expect me—after witnessing what vaccinations did to my son—to inoculate my other children under the same circumstances.

So who's to blame? Is there some pre-genetic predisposition? Do genetic and environmental factors load the proverbial gun and the vaccines pull the trigger? Since you claim all the studies and conclusions have been drawn, how do you explain the thousands of families that have received millions of dollars from the Vaccine Injury Court? So clearly, the jury is not in and the independent studies on susceptibility and genetic predisposition have not been done.

Knowing all this do you think it's okay to make a judgment about me based on what I know about my son and the rest of my children physiologically? If your mission is to gain the public's trust, then you're not going to get parents to do it by fearmongering. Until you've experienced the physical, emotional and financial toll you simply can't make such public statements.

Despite what happened to my son, I'm not anti-vaccine. However, if the government wants to make me and other parents who have autistic children feel comfortable with vaccinations then there needs to be some independent studies done regarding these treatments. Not only would it make me feel comfortable, but it'd make me feel like I'm being listened to and heard.

Lastly, to Amanda Peet: I would never ever wish what we've gone through in our family on her and her family or anybody. I would just ask her to give the respect she has on her position to mine. It's not about reading so-called studies online; it's about living and learning. My study is my son.

April 1, 2009

Autism Awareness Month: Turning the Tide

April is Autism Awareness Month. But in my opinion, every one is aware already.

You will see show after article after press release this month offering you the same inane observation...

"Autism Exists"

It is time to say, "no duh", reject the idea that we should passively accept the fact that autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970's to 1 in 250 when Chandler was diagnosed, to 1 in 166 when I started my tenure as an autism activist, to what the CDC now presents as a current number, 1 in 150, (which is actually based on a study that is several years old), to what is the most likely the current number 1 in 88, which is the prevalence rate that the Department of Defense is reporting for their dependents. The UK has just announced their new prevalence rate:

1 in 60 children

1 in 34 boys

UC Davis proved
this year that this skyrocketing rate is not a result of "better diagnosing" or "changes in diagnostic criteria" as we have been encouraged to believe. This is frightening increase in autism is real.

And yet neither the US or UK Governments will not declare Autism an actual epidemic.

How bad do things have to get before the general population takes to the streets and shouts NO MORE! If one in 100 children were going blind or being kidnapped there would be rioting in the streets if the government declared April "Blindness Awareness Month" or March 30 "World Kidnapping Acceptance Day".

It is time to do something about it.

So instead I am announcing my own little project Autism Attack Month and I will be letting you know what you can do to fight this epidemic and give the children you love a chance to beat the odds.

And it will start like everything should start... with prayer.

Children of Destiny is a great little organization that offers biblical encouragement and guidance in teaching people how to pray for their loved ones with autism. They are announcing their second annual "Turning the Tide" prayer campaign. Please consider signing up praying for this epidemic, our children and for Chandler specifically.

From Children of Destiny:

Dear Daily Prayer Subscriber,

We are thrilled that April (Autism Awareness Month) begins tomorrow, and with it we begin our second annual Turning the Tide! prayer thrust. Just ahead of this year’s launch, we wanted to answer a few questions we have been receiving:

What is Turning the Tide?

Turning the Tide! is a corporate prayer thrust in which thousands from around the world pray over the same issues related to autism for each day of the month of April. Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific issues (for example, this year we will be praying for specific issues regarding families affected by autism on Fridays, educational issues on Saturdays, and so forth). We have set aside April 23 as a day of prayer and fasting to see the tide of autism turned once and for all.

How did Turning the Tide come about?

As many of you know, autism was once so rare that even doctors knew little of it. But it is now conservatively estimated that 100 new cases will be diagnosed worldwide with each passing day.

As part of Global Harvest Ministries for a decade, we participated in several global prayer initiatives for effective evangelization in different parts of the world. The results were amazing! Therefore, we at Children of Destiny decided in 2008 to launch a corporate prayer thrust over autism and those affected by it. We plan on making this an annual event until the wonderful day when it will no longer be needed.

Why is corporate prayer important?

As Christians, we believe that our most powerful tool in any of life’s circumstances is prayer. James 5:16 says, “the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” Furthermore, we believe that the power of our prayers are greatly increased as we join corporately to beseech the Lord. Jesus Himself said, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:19-20,NIV ).

How can I be involved?

1. Download and print out the Turning the Tide! brochure and prayer calendar. It is available free of charge on our website at http://childrenofdestiny.org/turning_the_tide.asp. Consider printing the brochure and calendar out for your family and friends, or direct them to our website for more information.

2. Take a few minutes each day to pray through the special extended versions of the Daily Prayer you will be receiving throughout April, or check our website frequently for that day’s corporate prayer and extended prayer points.

3.Consider joining us on April 23 for World Day of Prayer and Fasting for AutismSpectrumDisorder. For more information on this day and fasting in general, please visit ASDPrayandFast.com.

4. As you are probably well aware, current economic situations have taken a real hit on ministries, and we are no exception. Therefore, we would be deeply grateful if you would consider making a donation to help with the costs of this prayer thrust and our ongoing ministry to families of children and adults with autism. To make a tax-deductible donation, please send a check or money order made out to Children of Destiny to:

Children of Destiny
PO Box 120607
Melbourne, FL 32912

or visit http://childrenofdestiny.org/make_a_donation.asp for more donation options.

If you have any other questions or comments regarding Turning the Tide! or anything related to Children of Destiny, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at prayer@childrenofdestiny.org.
We are excited, and expecting the Lord to move on the Earth as we come together in agreement to see the tide of autism turned. Thank you for standing with us!

Jack and Rebecca Sytsema