So what many in my community are advocating is "World Autism ACTION Day". Now that we are all aware, it is time to do something, so I am going to offer you five things to do today to improve the lives of people with autism (and if you don't get them all done today, you have all of April as it is autism awareness month, so no excuses:
1. Contact your officials about the "Restraint and Seclusion Act". Children with autism are being abused and even killed, in their own schools. The GAO has now issued a report on it. The stories that are now coming out of the school systems are horrifying and disgusting and are like something out of a history book, but they are happening right now, today, in your state. I will not burden you with them in this piece. Suffice it to say, we now actually need laws to tell schools that they can't slap children across the face, they can't punch them, they can't lock them in a dark closet, they can't handcuff them to their desks, and they can't sit on them until they suffocate and die.
The National Autism Association has detailed instructions on what you can do. And contact John McCain, because the man has lost his mind and is opposing this measure.
2. Take one minute and vote for Generation Rescue to win $250,000 from Pepsi to give medical grants to children with autism. And then go there every day to vote again until this contest closes.
3. Since World Autism
Christ said, "what you have done to the least of these, you have done unto Me". Those with autism are the 'least of these' in our modern society. So what does that mean for you?
Autism in God’s Economy: The Least of These
Autism in God’s Economy: Those with Autism
Autism in God’s Economy: Parents of Autistic Children
Autism in God’s Economy: Friends and Family
Autism in God’s Economy: Those in Power over Those with Autism
Autism in God’s Economy: For All of Us Who Have Failed in Our Duty
4. Act Locally! Your school, your church, your neighborhood, your street... if there is not a family dealing with autism in your world, I would be shocked. Life with autism is hard. Show up. Help them. Do it.
5. Finally, as you are in church today and on Sunday, pray for my son. Pray for his health and his safety and his soul and his functioning and his friendships and his support system and please, please pray for his wisdom. Pray that with whatever neurological or biological obstacle he faces, that Chandler will grow to be a wise man.

Since the beginning God was very AWARE of the human predicament, but nothing changed until he ACTED. He showed up. He came down into the dust and filth and became a man to help us. The creator united with his creation, he suffered alongside us and for us. And in Jesus' life, death and resurrection he healed us, restored us and united us with him. God help us to live and sacrifice like him, as a "little Christ."
I have done all of your requests.
I will pray for yours, please pray for mine.
I believe they have one thing easier than we do...They have a free pass into heaven.
Thanks Ginger.
hey i recognize that picture! that's the little boy helping paint the bunkbeds from
I do hope he gets some great recovery in life. autism is not fun. not cheap, not fun, hard work and is heartbreaking.
So many people were aware of this day all over the world, but I wonder how many U.S. citizens noticed that the self-proclaimed "advocate for special needs children" Sarah Palin neither observed this day publically with a statement in one of her speeches, or in a Twitter message, or even a note on her Facebook page.
Nor did she do any of these things in observance of World Down Syndrome Day on Sunday March 21st, 2010 -- a very significant date to all DS mothers.
Ah, the hypocrisy.
P.S. No one has seen the Down Syndrome baby lately that she carried around for moments at every book signing stop last fall, and all during the 2008 campaign. Who's taking care of him? His real mother?
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