June 27, 2007

Living in Kansas and Unhappy With ASD Services?

Then show up and make your voice heard.

SRS Holding Statewide Autism Forums
Posted: 9:51 PM Jun 26, 2007
Last Updated: 10:50 PM Jun 26, 2007

The Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services is looking for public feedback on a plan to help families dealing with autism.

Topeka hosted the first of three autism forums Tuesday night.

SRS is getting input from stakeholders before submitting the formal application for its Autism Waiver program, which would allow Autistic children into early intervention services.

Louise Heinz is a parent of an autistic child. She supports the program because of what it's meant to her and her family. "My daughter did not speak until she started the Early Intensive Intervention and now she does. What we're trying to promote is there can be great gains made from early intensive intervention. We want all kids on the Autism spectrum to be able to have access to this waiver and therefore, the intervention."

SRS hopes to get federal funding for the program from the Center for Medicaid Services.

SRS will hold a forum on Autism Wednesday in Hays from 6 to 8 p.m. at Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, 2703 Hall St. Thursday's forum will be at Wichita's Independent Living Resource Center, 2022 W. 2nd St.

Early Intervention HCBS Autism Waiver Program
Children will be able to enter the Waiver program from the age of diagnosis through the age of five.
A child will be eligible to receive waiver services for a time period of three years.
To be eligible for Autism Waiver services, the child must receive a diagnosis of Autism per the current DSM or ICD9 criteria from a licensed Medical Doctor or Ph.D. Psychologist and be assessed for a Level of Care Determination to establish functional eligibility for Waiver services.
Waiver services:
-Eligibility Determination: Eligibility Specialist assesses the child for the Level of Care Determination.
-Respite Care: Respite Care provides temporary direct care and supervision for the child to provide relief to families/ caregivers of a child with an autism spectrum disorder.
-Parent Support and Training: designed to provide the training and support necessary to ensure engagement and active participation of the family in the treatment process and with the ongoing implementation and reinforcement of skills learned throughout the treatment process.
-Intensive Individual Supports: Services provided to a child with an autism spectrum disorder designed to assist in acquiring, retaining, improving, and generalization of the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside and function successfully in home and community settings.
-Consultative Clinical and Therapeutic Services: Sercives provided by an Autism Specialist to assist the family and paid support staff or other professionals with carrying out the individual program that supports the child's functional development and inclusion in the community.
-Family Adjustment Counseling: Counseling provided to the family members of a child with an autism spectrum disorder in order to help them cope with the child's illness and the related stress that accompanies the initial understanding of the diagnosis and the ongoing continuous, daily care required by the child with an autism spectrum disorder.

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