February 5, 2017

I Brought My Doctor Before the State Medical Board For Failure to Investigate a Vaccine Injury

Two weeks ago, in my letter to the Johns Hopkins Journal, Narratives in Bioethics, I made public the fact that I had taken Chandler's pediatrician before the state medical board for failing to evaluate him for a vaccine injury.  It was a journey that started two years ago, and I am just now wrapping up.

Here is both the short version of the story, and the very long version for the true die hards.

This is the question I before the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine:

What is the duty of a physician to his patient when a parent reports a suspected vaccine injury?

Their answer...

The doctor has no duty to the patient. 

Well that is their implied answer.  What they really did was just make up an excuse to close the complaint and not answer the question at all.  But in their refusal to answer the complaint that a physician had failed in their duty to investigate a vaccine injury claim, they establish the standard of care.

The standard of care for reported vaccine injury is... medical negligence.  (also blame the mother, but that is just SOP with autism moms now isn't it.)

Thus again proving my assertion, Mainstream Medicine does not take vaccine safety seriously.

That is the short story.  Here is the long version: